vFit+ (PLUS)

This page has information on the vFit+ (PLUS) device (by JOYLUX Inc.) for at home vaginal rejuvenation now available for purchase at our Mind Your Skin LLC offices. We are authorized vFit+ (PLUS) professionals.
You can call us at 610-924-0800 for a consultation. The vFit+ (PLUS) device is featured in the current issue of VOGUE and the September 2018 issue of New Beauty.

Improve your Gynecological Health, Sense of Well-Being, and Confidence from Havertown, PA throughout the greater Philadelphia, PA area.

vFIT+ (PLUS) is an FDA approved (and a world’s first!)  hand-held at-home device to help toward the goal of enhancing intimate wellness and/or reducing stress incontinence. Mind Your Skin carefully selected vFIT+ (PLUS) and the Juliet system (previously available only abroad). Tissue laxity can lead to dryness and sensation loss during sex. Loss of bladder control with coughing or sneezing, squatting and/or jumping happens to one in three women. This is not really a bladder problem persé, but a weakness in urethral closure or sealing ability (the connection channel to the outside). Just as the Juliet laser stimulates fresh collagen production for a beneficial effect on visible skin, the treatment also works to accomplish vaginal rejuvenation. Juliet is an fractional erbium laser from Germany that provides safe and effective treatment. In particular, it addresses problems with intimate health and stress urinary incontinence.

Time ultimately causes both collagen and hyaluronic acid to break down faster than they can naturally be replaced. Consequently tissues can become dried out, less elastic, thin, and saggy. Vaginal rejuvenation addresses these problems. Restoration of collagen and hyaluronic acid tightens and plumps the treated vaginal tissues and increases moisture content in the area.

Now you can use vFit+ (PLUS) at home as a stand alone treatment or in order to continue and maintain your  treatment result. Available from JOYLUX.

A vFit+ (PLUS) vaginal rejuvenation session is straightforward, gentle, effective, and discreet. The treatment can be in as little as 6-12 minutes, in the comfort of your home and there is no downtime. These benefits make it an attractive option for Vaginal Rejuvenation in Havertown and the greater Philadelphia areas for women who want to counter unwanted changes in their intimate wellness due to childbirth, aging, hormonal changes of menopause, and cancer treatments.

vFit+ Demonstration Video


How Does vFit Vaginal Rejuvenation Work?

The device sends a combination of gentle heat, red (LED) light and sonic waves below the surface. These energy sources triggers cells to create new collagen. It has four modes of intensity. 95% of patients report improvement in intimate wellness, as confidence and sensation improve, which enhances their relationship with their partner.

Collagen is a protein that plays several roles in the body. One of its primary features is its ability to make tissue simultaneously strong, resilient, and flexible. It also creates a matrix home for hyaluronic acid molecules, which readily bind with water molecules to keep tissues properly hydrated.

After initial every other day use for 6 weeks, the recommended maintenance is once or twice a week. The Photonic Gel is a coupler agent to help insertion, performance and comfort.

vFit+ (PLUS) device A photonic gel for vFit+ (PLUS) device v-FIT PLUS side view v-FIT + (PLUS) device in hand

Vaginal Rejuvenation Testimonial Videos


What Can Vaginal Rejuvenation Treat?

vFit+ (PLUS) and Juliet stimulate collagen production, hence are ideal for addressing conditions leading to laxity and dryness in the vaginal area. Menopause and anti-hormone therapy, pregnancy and childbirth, chemotherapy, and certain surgeries trigger hormone shifts. Such undesirable changes impact optimal, including sexual, functioning.

Ideal patients are those who want to strengthen a weakened pelvic floor, and have stress incontinence. Similarly it is for those who want to address lubrication, and feelings of discomfort or pain during intercourse. A separate hand-piece/application can treat the outside for discoloration or laxity as well (see video above).

Kim is the trained and experienced female member of our staff to educate you further on this device. She performs the Juliet treatment as well.

Meet Kim

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Requirements for Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment

Before deciding on any course of vaginal rejuvenation treatment, it is important to share any short- and long-term goals. During a private consultation at Mind Your Skin we will ask questions and take desired results into consideration. Then we make a recommendation for a plan designed to help you achieve your goals. Other options include mesh or sling surgery, hormone replacement and herbal remedies.

Learn more at the Intimate Wellness Institute.

Other Laser Treatments at Mind Your Skin in Philadelphia & Havertown

A great way to jumpstart your vFit+ (PLUS) results is doing the Juliet first. We know that the Juliet system yields comparable or superior to other devices out there. Our own patient’s reports confirm this. These are patients who switched to Juliet from treatment with other devices elsewhere. We are the only office for vaginal rejuvenation around and in Philadelphia and the Havertown area with a Juliet system. In fact in a range of well over 50 miles.

Vaginal Rejuvenation in Havertow & Philadelphia, PA

The benefits of laser energy can be applied to many areas of the body, making it ideal for laser skin resurfacing, laser skin tightening, laser skin rejuvenation, laser vein treatments, and laser hair reduction.

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