
Alastin Skincare TriHex Technology focuses its approach to treating aging skin using selected peptides and botanicals that target the extracellular matrix. There Skin Nectar helps to clear damaged proteins. The product also stimulates and supports the skin’s natural ability to produce elastin and collagen. In addition, antioxidants and Arnica Montana help to calm and reduce redness.


Alastin Skin Nectar features Skincare TriHex. This technology’s approach entails treating aging skin with selected peptides and botanicals that target the extracellular matrix. The Skin Nectar helps to enzymatically clear damaged proteins stuck in the extracellular matrix (between the cells). The product also stimulates and supports the skin’s natural ability to produce elastin and collagen. In addition, antioxidants and Arnica Montana help to calm and reduce redness. We love the Skin Nectar pre- and post our deeper laser (Erbium, ActiveFX-CO2) and RF (Profound) treatments because it boosts results while reducing downtime.treatments because it boosts results while reducing downtime.

Alastin Skin Nectar Bottle Learn more about Alastin Skin Nectar

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Weight 3.6 oz

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