Latisse® 5ml lusher lashes is the first and only FDA-approved treatment prescription for lusher eyelashes. Latisse grows eyelashes for people who have inadequate or not enough lashes. As we age, our eyelashes become thinner, lighter, and shorter. A once daily prescription treatment applied to base of the upper lashes will grow eyelashes longer, fuller, and darker. In 10 to 12 weeks, you will notice remarkable results! Compared to other products out there we have just NEVER seen it NOT work! Latisse® has a very long established safety record as it was used for certain eye-conditions for many years.

(Images show 3ml bottle; By Allergan®, the maker of Botox® and Juvederm®, Latisse® qualifies for rewards at Brilliant Distinctions)
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Latisse® 5ml lusher lashes makes it to the top “go-to” products list at MindYourSkin!