More Injectable Options for Wrinkles in the Havertown, Main Line, PA and wider Philadelphia Area
Xeomin ® (incobotulinumtoxinA) is among the four wrinkle-relaxing treatments available at Mind Your Skin. Just like BOTOX Cosmetic®, this modulator causes specific muscles to relax. So the ability to pull the overlying skin into visible lines and folds diminishes. Frown lines (we call them glabellar lines) smoothen. These form between the eyes just above the nose. They are most apparent when you make a confused or stern expression—anything that pulls the forehead down and eyebrows together. In addition Xeomin ® works well for transverse lines across the forehead and for crow’s feet (“smile lines”) around the eyes. Finally, XEOMIN® treats hyperhidrosis as well. Jeuveau™, Dysport® and Xeomin® are at times available at lower cost compared to Botox 🙂 Botox Cosmetic® is no longer the one gold standard in the industry. And since Allergan/ALLĒ put restrictions on their reward program, these alternatives are worth looking at! We will be happy to review the options with you.

Xeomin is currently $50 off per treatment of 30 units minimum with a Merz coupon (we will assist you to obtain one), while supplies last!
And please don’t believe that you have to buy “full syringes”, or in 5 unit increments. Treatments are fully customized. Other approaches are cookie-cutter or misleading.
Xeomin ®, or incobotulinumtoxinA, is unique in that it has zero unnecessary accessory proteins in the vial! Xeomin is in this way the more ‘pure’ BoNT/A, hence #Puretox. Since these “complexing proteins” can mediate an immune response, it comes as no surprise then that there is a subset of patients with treatment resistance (‘dose-creep’ or dose fatigue). Reports are this affects up to 14% of long term cosmetic and therapeutic users of Botox®. In the case of XEOMIN however, there has never been a documented case of anyone being resistant to this neurotoxin. It is therefore our go-to when there is any doubt that a patient has developed antibodies to Botulinum toxin. This does not immediately ‘fix’ the problem. But without repeated re-activation the antibody titer is allowed to gradually drop over time and by this mechanism help regain a treatment response.

Xeomin is developed and produced by Merz in Germany. Botulinum neurotoxin is the product of a very complex biotechnical process. Merz uses state-of-the-art technology in its dedicated facility in Dessau. It meets the highest international standards for biologic manufacturing.

MindYourSkin partners with Merz for a patient rewards program: Go to
Norbertus Robben, MD performs all of the injections himself. He works with each patient to determine which injectable and which pattern of injection is right. The four neuromodulator (Jeuveau™ is the newest) options are similar, but have subtle differences that we review during an initial consultation. In combination with fillers, neuromodulators can help achieve a ‘liquid face-lift’. In our experienced hands, expect months of a softer, more youthful look! We see patients from a wide radius including Philadelphia, Havertown, Springfield or Media, West Chester, PA, the Main Line around Bryn Mawr, Ardmore and Wynnewood.
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